With 2021 now in full swing, the Allegiant Experts team would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our well wishes to everyone. Needless to say, 2020 was a rough year on all of us. With COVID-19 drastically changing the ways in which we live and work every day, we’ve had never-before-seen hardships to overcome. The changing of the calendar hasn’t changed that. The pandemic rages on and safety measures must continue to be taken.
Our team is currently working from home.
At Allegiant Experts, we have chosen to work remotely in an effort to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But, even as we work from home, we continue to remain dedicated to providing our clients with the expert healthcare consultancy that we’ve become known for over the past two decades.
We’re pleased to report that the technologies and processes we have developed over the past couple of years have allowed us to successfully manage our work and clients’ needs effectively and efficiently. Our team has maintained a healthy and productive work environment while exceeding expectations on time work assignments and reviews for our clients.
Have a look at our newly updated website!
During the last few months, we’ve also worked diligently on updating our branding. You may have noticed that we recently launched a brand new website for Allegiant Experts. We love its new sleek and classy design and hope you enjoy it as well. If you haven’t done so yet, please take a few moments to navigate through the site.
Be sure to subscribe to our blog as well. It’s as easy as clicking on our Blog section and inputting your name and email address in the boxes provided. The new Allegiant Experts website also provides you with updated information about our team, our approach and the specialties we support. In addition, it explicitly details our mission statement which is to encourage the provision of quality health care services at fair and equitable prices.
Everything we do focuses on inclusive, comprehensive and cost-effective healthcare. We coordinate and support courageous whistleblowers who shine lights on fraud, waste and abuse. As well, we consult with and educate attorneys that fight against wrongful billing practices that negatively impact both individuals and the larger healthcare industry. We also mentor healthcare delivery agencies that just want to get their billing right. Our team identifies facts, finds the errors and illuminates the truth at issue.
We remain steadfastly committed to providing incomparable support to our clients.
Should your needs be litigation or compliance support, Allegiant Experts operates as a specialty healthcare consultancy that works to support all aspects of healthcare. Our team of experts supports patients, providers, health plans, software companies and attorneys to navigate the complexities of healthcare coding, billing and regulations to realize accurate payment for healthcare services.
The Allegiant Experts team looks forward to working with you in 2021 and beyond. Stay well, stay safe and let’s stay connected! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 407-217-5831. You may also email us at info@allegiantexperts.com.